October 4, 2020 Marcus Davidson

Great review of Sacred Space

Klassik Musikk – Annabel Guaita

The program opens with Marcus Davidson’s Sacred Space for organ and electronics, an exciting work that sets the tone for the concert and makes me open and curious. Davidson has listened to recordings made by scientists from space and been inspired by this. The electronics and the organ dress each other tonally. Organist Anders Eidsten Dahl is a steady musician throughout the concert and alternates between virtuoso and intense static organ playing. The music draws us into a musical chaos that turns into broad soundscapes. Later in the concert we hear the vocal ensemble Tabula Rasa in Davidson’s Musical harmony and the premiere O, great spirit. This is a beautiful work with delicate, free-tonal harmonies that are reminiscent of Fartein Valen’s expressive tonal language. The vocal ensemble appears as a cohesive organism with listening vocalists. One can only sit back and enjoy their sublime intonation
